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St. Jerome’s reputation rests primarily on his achievements as a translator and as a scriptural exegete. The important service that he rendered to the Church in his doctrinal works is often overlooked or minimized by those who look for originality and independence of thought. St. Jerome was not a theologian in the strict sense of the word. He was no original thinker, and he never abandoned...

And the people delivered Jonathan, and he did not die.’162 Samuel is angry with Saul, and he refuses to go with the king. He is subsequently won over by pleadings to show that man can experience a change of heart. He goes to Bethlehem, and considers every son of Jesse to be the very person that the Lord was looking for. And, seeing Eliab, he said: ‘Behold the Lord’s anointed is before me. And the Lord said to him: “Look not on his countenance and on the height of his stature, because I have rejected
Pages 289–290